About Us

Who are we?

About Us

Help us provide Islamic books and materials to our incarcerated brothers and sisters!

Letters Behind Bars emerged from serious needs of inmates requesting free books and educational materials from Jarir Bookstore , Chaplain Maria and others. To supply these unique demands a group of volunteers started to promote the issue and collect funds. To sustain this project Letters Behind Bars was formed, a California Based Non-Profit foundation whose unique partnerships and capabilities provides these books and high-level reading materials for inmates. In the United States, Muslims make up a little over 1% of the population; however, they comprise about 9% of the state prison population and 12% of federal prison populations. Each one of these individuals carries a unique story and voice worthy of being heard. They are a diverse group of varying ages, ethnic backgrounds, and religious backgrounds that are often ignored and invisible

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said “طَلَبُ الْعِلْمِ فَرِيضَةٌ عَلَى كُلِّ مُسْلِمٍ” 

Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.

(Sunan: Ibn Mājah, 224)

Our Team


Leadership of Letters Behind Bars Foundation

Jarir Saadoun

Jarir Saadoun

Operating Officer

Maria Khani

Maria Khani


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Help Us with your Charity

100% of Proceeds go to book and material funds.